In this fast moving world of technology and entrepreneurship, things are as hard as they can be these days. A lot of us spend most of our lives trying to get out of our financial troubles. The world has become so competitive that it has become ten times harder to reach a level of success that people used to attain easily many years back.
Things can get quite easier if only we would know what to do with our lives. If only there was a mentor guiding us all the times to make the right decisions, choose the right career path, where to invest and how to deal with family problems and work life, we would easily live through.
Although all of us can’t get a personal mentor to look out for, there are still people out there who you can look up and get inspired from. One such person is Nick Vertucci.
For those of you who are unaware of Nick Vertucci, he is the founder of Nick Vertucci Real Estate Academy also popularly known as NVREA. The reason Nick serves as a great inspiration for people struggling in life is because he himself has been there.
Nick belonged to a very humble family which was a representation of any family who was struggling to make ends meet. From day to day Nick’s family had to sacrifice on basic things to make sure that their ends meet. But by the time he turned 10, Vertucci lost his father and things became worse for his family.
Nick continued to struggle and found ways to sort his life out. It wasn’t until his 18th birthday that he was finally able to step out of the dark times into the better future. Nick started a private computer sales business which did great for him until in 2000 when the dot com crash era came. Just like everyone else in the tech industry, Nick’s business suffered such a huge blow that his company was filed for bankruptcy.
This didn’t stop Nick from still perusing for a better future. He was invited to a real estate academy where he learned about investing in real estate and eventually started doing what he learned. In the next 10 years, Nick had already turned his life completely opposite from where he started out.
He got so good at making real estate investment decisions that there was no stopping him. He climbed the ladder until he was considered one of the best real estate investors in the US. For that reason, we decided to profile his career on Famous Net Worth.
He later formed his own Real Estate Academy and made a goal to train people like him.
How Much is Nick Vertucci Worth?
At this point, it hasn’t been reported anywhere, but since he charges some $30,000 for real estate courses, it’s probably quite sizable!